Welcome to your monthly dose of insights! You’ve made it to the end of the year – the end of the wonderful week of whateverdaythisis – however you’ve enjoyed the time off from the usual routine, I hope it’s been a good one. Today’s email is all about...
Welcome to your monthly occasional dose of insights! It’s been a minute… Where the heck you been, Chris?! I’ve been busy! Keeping up an email newsletter (even a monthly one) turned out to be one thing too many. I’m going to try and make more time for it (and writing...
So I’ve already talked a lot about researching for a con and how to pitch at a con… but I don’t think I’ve shared how I get organized for a con. Keep reading for what to do and a free template! First, let’s start with some goals. What is...
Playtesting your game often means playtesting other people’s games. It’s the law of reciprocity, after all. When it’s time for someone else’s game to get to the table, I’ll typically use a form I’ve made to help me remember what...
I love all my babies, naturally, but there’s something that genuinely excites me about playing Around the World in 10-15 Minutes. It’s our third game from No Box Games, meaning it’s a print and play with no assembly required. It’s also the...