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Make 2024 your year with an Accountability Coach.

Sold out for 2024! Will re-open in December 2024.

Interested in an Accountability Coach? Let me know below:

9 + 8 =

Ever wished you had an expert you could check in and get advice from?

Wish you didn’t have to figure everything out yourself?

Want to be pushed to do your best?

Think of me like a fitness coach, just for making board games.
OK, weird example, but you probably get it.
Once a month for half an hour, we check in over a one-on-one video call. We’ll talk about where you are with your current game(s), figure out the next steps for them, brainstorm new game ideas, critique sell sheets, playtest online, practice your pitch, or pretty much anything else.
Pay once now and set yourself up for lots of progress in 2024.
Things to know before purchasing:
  • I’m only going to be offering this for up to 10 1 more person, so you’re part of a select crew.
  • I won’t be making your game for you – your game is yours to make your way.
  • Each call will be 30 minutes. My goal is to provide honest advice, expert critiques, and specific homework for you to do before our next call.
  • Can’t make it one month? Reschedule it and double up the next month. I’ll be as flexible as I can.
  • Any unused sessions will expire December 31, 2024.
  • Refund policy: in the unlikely event it’s not working out, or if you’re not finding value in it, I’ll refund unused sessions on a pro-rated basis.
Here’s how it works:
  • Sign up via Paypal (the big purple button)
  • Once the transaction is complete, you’ll get a link to book your first call here for a time that works for you. From there, we’ll book next month’s call near the end.
As 2023 ends, I have 18 signed games and 3 on sale now. I make a full-time living from the board game industry
In 2024, I’ll have at least 5 different games coming to Kickstarter from 3 different publishers. Probably more.

Make 2024 your year.

Previous clients and testimonials

“We just hired Chris Backe to consult with us before we start pitching our game to publishers and it was a big help. Chris gave us a lot of helpful advice on focusing our materials more toward what publishers actually want to see. I just wanted to give him a shout out. Highly recommended!”
Brett Trout, game designer
“…your meeting was extremely insightful and proved to give me tons of helpful pointers making my journey as a developer much more clear. I feel like I dodged bullets and got refined direction from you!”
Ryan K., game designer
“Chris has a wide breadth of game knowledge and an excellent eye for quality game mechanics.  He was very comprehensive with me on the feedback he gave.  He’s extremely easy to work with and I was glad I got a chance to have help me on my game.”
Taylor Hayward, designer of ‘Dawn’
“I think direction was the real value. Actions I can take, are always more helpful than ideas. “Define the high level look of the game-play, and focus on creating a polishing introduction scenario experience.” In my situation, with where my head was at before, that advice was incredibly helpful.”
Jason Terry, game designer

Chris Backe helped us develop our game Mⱥhr during the past year and it is fair to say that without his expertise we would not have brought the game to the state it is in: fully developed, playtested and ready for production. Would we recommend Chris to other game designers? Hell yeah! And we will hire him again for our next project.

Benjamin Effer, designer of Mⱥhr